sabato 21 ottobre 2017

Zayn Pain Never Goes Away: The Zarry Drama

Let’s take a deep breath.
Today we have to talk about this big elephant in the fandom, the hardest part for me to process.
Yup, that’s right.
I’m talking about the “Z Word”.
Nope, not Zayn.


Lately there’s been a lot of drama involving these two and I was really upset 'cause they're my favourites (with Louis, of course). I liked Zayn so much when he was in the band, and when he left I was so disappointed and devastated that I can't even think about it.
Obviously it all started with Malik, ‘cause if he doesn’t talk shit about someone he’s not happy. This time he touched MY HAZZA and I don't know if I can forgive him again.
He said a great fat lie and in the worst way possible.
He was asked about Harry and this was his response:

"To be honest, I never really spoke to Harry even when I was in the band," Malik told Us Weekly. "So I didn't really expect that much of a relationship with him when I left. And I haven't [had one], to be honest."

Are you reading the same bullshit that am I?
Honestly what the fuck he just said?
First of al, I DON’T BELIEVE THAT THEY WEREN’T FRIENDS AT THE BEGINNING, second of all why he has to be so mean? Like wtf Zayn we all rule for you after your new wonderful song (Dusk Till Dawn) and you just screw everythings up.
You can’t touch our Hazza.

You simply can’t.
But really.
We understood that something happened between Zarry during the last period of 1D, ‘cause Harry was always sarcastic when interviewers asked them about Zayn.
He was so annoyed and unconfortable with the topic that always tried to make some jokes about it and change fastly the subject.
Just look at him:

(Min. 1:34)

I always thought that he reacted to the "Z Topic" like that because he just wanted to change subject 'cause he was a bit hurt. But now I suspect that he simply really didn't want to talk about Zayn 'cause he was angry, maybe? Or because he didn't like Zayn at all.

I thought a lot about these two boys and their relationship ‘cause I really care for them.
They are two different people, they’re opposites. Harry is the kindest person of all time, Zayn… uhm, Zayn is not, he's more selfish and narcisistic. They're incompatible.
And also, I think that maybe the two of them didn’t get on very well because of Louis. I mean both of them cared so much for him: Zayn was really close to Louis, especially in the last period when they were always photographed together in many clubs (Briana’s period drama), and Harry. Well. Harry is the husband.
So maybe, and I say maybe ‘cause this is only my personal and humble opinion, Zayn and Harry were a bit jealous of each other ‘cause they were both really close to Louis.
And I also think that Harry isn’t the person who can easily approve the Zouis’ behaviour: smoking, drinking and hang out in every club in town.
I believe that the relationship between Harry and Zayn got worse in that time.
But before that?
They seemed to get along very well if you ask me.

And I can easily go on.

It really hurts me to hear something like that from Zayn. He could have just said “Now we’re not hearing each other very much” and ended it there.

Then even Liam said something about Zarry, or at lest it’s what we all think this sentence is about:

"Sometimes, people can seem like friends and maybe under the surface, they're not. I don't really know. When we were in the band, we all seemed to get along quite well up until the end of it I guess you know, after Zayn left,"

We’re almost certain that Liam was talking about Zarry ‘cause the other didn’t have any problems: Niall was always so cheerful and friendly, he really didn’t have any kind of fight or dramas, Liam’s the same, he got along very well with everyone, then we have Zouis, and Larry.
The only couple who had problems apparentely are Zarry, so Liam was probably referring to them. This breaks my heart.

Let's end this sad post with a laugh, please:

Thanks to our fandom that always creates this perfect memes!

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Zayn Pain Never Goes Away: The Zarry Drama

Let’s take a deep breath. Today we have to talk about this big elephant in the fandom, the hardest part for me to process. Yup, that’s ...